Hardeep Singh Kohli : Hardeep is Your Love

Ace Dome

11-25 Aug (not 12)






With an introduction of How Deep is Your Love, the tone seemed to be set for the show. Slow-moving gags directed at relationships left us wondering where the laughs would come from, but his Glaswegian take on relationships started to throw up a good few laughs and allowed the audience to finally engage . A show that everyone could relate to when it comes to the  love of your life. As stand up goes, the pace was a bit shuffly, and was more like story telling at some points – but whenever the right points were hit the audience were in fits off laughter!



I sensed the audience left the room feeling the good factor, but maybe a few more laughs would have sealed an extra star. Indeed, as the couple behind me were leaving, I overheard them they arguing  in a very heated manner about the show and its contents, with both having complete opposite takes on it! For me, it will have to be THREE STARS.

three stars


Reviewer : Spud





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